AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, asbestos has been found to be a cancer-causing agent; and

WHEREAS, no effective federal program exists to either protect children and school employees from potential exposure or to provide them with information on the danger of asbestos:

RESOLVED, that the AFT undertakes a program to inform its members, others in the education community and general community of the dangers posed by asbestos through the publication of specially developed materials; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT will establish a clearinghouse for locals and state federations to obtain information on asbestos projects being carried out by various AFT affiliates; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT keeps locals and state federations informed of the changes in federal regulations in regard to asbestos inspection and notification requirements; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT works with the AFL-CIO, its affiliates and other interested organizations in an effort to secure asbestos-free or -contained environment for all those who work or learn in the country's schools.
