AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the teachers in Puerto Rico are the most poorly paid teachers in the nation; and

WHEREAS, the government of Puerto Rico, the Department of Education, and the Puerto Rico Association of Teachers (NEA) are united against the progress of the Puerto Rican teachers; and

WHEREAS, the teachers of Puerto Rico are entitled to just salaries in accordance with the high cost of living on the same level as that of teachers on the mainland; and

WHEREAS, the teachers of Puerto Rico need a responsible and dynamic organization which will respond to the interests of the classroom teachers; and

WHEREAS, the Puerto Rico Federation of Teachers (AFT) is the only alternative for the teachers of Puerto Rico; and

WHEREAS, the teachers of Puerto Rico are anxious to join the Puerto Rico Federation of Teachers; and

WHEREAS, the growth of the PRFT in the last few months has shown this eagerness to be true:

RESOLVED, that this convention totally support the organizational tasks being undertaken by the PRFT; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT use its influence and prestige with its contacts in Washington to force the government of Puerto Rico to legislate approval of collective bargaining for public employees; and

RESOLVED, that all the presidents of the AFT locals send telegrams and letters to Governor Hernandez Colon and the chairmen of the House of Representatives and the Senate, asking for legislation to permit the unionization of public employees, i.e., teachers.
