AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the AFSCME has on the national level formed a coalition with the NEA; and

WHEREAS, the NEA is not affiliated with the AFL-CIO and has stated that it will not join the labor movement; and

WHEREAS, the NEA and its affiliates on state and local levels repeatedly slur the labor affiliation of the American Federation of Teachers in collective bargaining campaigns and in other activities; and

WHEREAS, such a coalition has been unofficially in effect in Wisconsin between Council 40 of the AFSCME and the WEA to the great detriment of the teacher union movement in that state:

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers condemn this coalition as not being in the best interests of organized labor and teacher unionism; and

RESOLVED, that the AFL-CIO on national, state and local levels be urged to take appropriate action to condemn such officially announced coalitions.
