AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the United States faces a disastrous health care crisis in the '80s with the health care increases far outpacing the overall cost-of-living index depriving millions of Americans of needed health care services; and

WHEREAS, the Reagan administration's response to the crisis is its "competition" proposal that will severely restrict health care protection for employees and further limit access for the poor, elderly and severely disabled while leaving untouched hospital charges or provider fees; and

WHEREAS, federal support for local and state health planning systems will be phased out by 1983 leaving no means of implementing effective cost restraints on an industry that consumes over 9 percent of the Gross National Product (GNP):

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers/Federation of Nurses and Health Professionals/AFL-CIO support the position of the executive council of the AFL-CIO on health care dated February 18, 1982, urging affiliated unions to actively participate in developing local area coalitions which will take the necessary steps to effectively help restrain health care costs and improve the quality of and expand the access to health care. (Executive Council)
