AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, affirmative actions to increase minority employment to proportions considered just in light of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII) have affected collective bargaining relations in recent years; and

WHEREAS, these affirmative action programs were a recognition that discriminatory hiring and promotion practices would not be ended on a voluntary basis alone; and

WHEREAS, in times of a justifiable reduction in the work force, traditionally, layoffs are made in conformance with an existing seniority system, tend to erode or destroy the positive gains secured through affirmative action programs; and

WHEREAS, the protection of seniority is one of the basic principles of the trade union movement:

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers urges its locals to construct seniority clauses in their collective bargaining contracts that will protect the inviolability of seniority while at the same time fighting for full employment programs that will prevent the entrenchment of the gains made under affirmative action programs.

