AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, affirmative action programs were established to aggressively redress the damage done by centuries of racial and sexual discrimination in this country; and

WHEREAS, the concept of affirmative action has dramatically expanded equal opportunity in promotions of public, as well as private institutions; and

WHEREAS, racism and sexism continue to exist and can still deny equal opportunity to affected groups; and

WHEREAS, affirmative action programs to help redress the damage done by illegal discrimination are still needed; and

WHEREAS, legitimate affirmative action programs are under attack across the country, most notably in California under the guise of the misnamed California civil rights initiaitive, Proposition 209, which will result in lost ground in the recruiting, hiring and promotion of affected groups:

RESOLVED, that the AFT continue to support affirmative action programs and vigorously oppose numerical quotas and hiring programs and any attempt to equate legitimate affirmative action programs with quotas, especially in the public sector; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT make available material that could be used by AFT members to help explain the importance of affirmative action to others, and to wage effective campaigns in its defense.
