AFT Resolution


The dramatic cut in federal funding for public education, mounting fiscal pressures at the state and local levels, and declining school enrollments have created a public school environment which has culminated in both the threats and reality of program cutbacks, reduced services, and reductions in force.

Such responses threaten the quality of educational services, undermine standards, and destroy much of the progress that has been made in providing needed services to such children as the disadvantaged, the handicapped, the gifted and talented, the limited English proficient, and others. They create a disinvestment in critical human capital needed for economic and social well-being and national security. Losses suffered in education now may be gone forever and may not be able to be recovered through more enlightened policies in future years.

The American Federation of Teachers feels that these cutbacks in programs, services, and staff are not necessary and can be avoided through cooperative efforts by teachers, school districts, and the public.

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers calls upon school board members, school administrators, other state and local school officials, parents, and the public to join together for the advancement of education through emphasis on the provision of quality educational services for all children through the public schools; and

RESOLVED, that such groups respond to the current financial pressures on the public schools in a way that will not destroy, but advance public educa­tion through such strategies as:

  • cooperative and open examination of the educational and financial situation of the school district so that all can work together to promote educational quality and necessary services;
  • pursuing specific programs to instill public confidence in and support for the public schools and to secure maximum public involvement in public schools;
  • cooperating in devising a response to funding cutbacks and declining enrollments that will eliminate or minimize layoffs and reductions in force and protect education programs;
  • working together to improve public schools through adequate staffing, sound management, emphasis on quality and standards, and schools supported by and accountable to the public; and

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers supports efforts to make teaching an attractive and rewarding profession which will attract the best people to it; and

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers will work together with other organizations and groups who support the advancement of education.
