AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, paid adjunct, i.e., employees hired for short periods with no expectation of regular or part-time employment, temporary and part-time employees, perform a vital service for their institutions, but are exploited, as part of a continuous effort to erode existing bargaining units; and

WHEREAS, adjunct employees are chronically and universally underpaid; and

WHEREAS, the existence of a large pool of unorganized and/or separately organized full-time faculty and adjunct employees tends to weaken the organized personnel and to undermine their bargaining position:

RESOLVED, that paid adjunct, casual, temporary, and part-time employees and full-time faculty in an institution should be organized into the same local. In questions of de novo unit determination every effort shall be made to include adjunct employees, part-time and full-time personnel in the same bargaining unit, and in those cases where two units presently exist in an institution it shall be the policy of the AFT to seek agreement for the purpose of establishing a single bargaining unit; and

RESOLVED, that locals should bargain to make certain that adjunct employees are used only when their employment meets the legitimate educational needs of the institution; and

RESOLVED, that locals should bargain for terms and conditions of employment for adjunct, casual, temporary and part-time employees which shall correspond to those for full-time employees in similar positions. This policy shall include but not be limited to the following:

  • Direct compensation and fringe benefits shall be at rates comparable to those for full-time employment;
  • Job security shall be established after a suitable probationary period;
  • Appointments, evaluation, reappointments and promotions shall follow the regularly established procedures for full-time employees;
  • Rights and privileges associated with participation in the decision-making processes of the institution shall not be selectively denied to adjunct employees;
  • Seniority provisions, appropriate to the institutional needs.
