AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the American Federation of Teachers stands solidly behind the concept of improving the quality of education in all communities; and

WHEREAS, "accountability" frequently has been equated only with teacher performance or the lack thereof; and

WHEREAS, "accountability" frequently has been used divisively against teachers, students and community rather than for the improvement of the educational climate for all concerned; and

WHEREAS, effective teaching is severely limited by the present inadequate conditions:

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers support educational "accountability" only if in our considered judgment its intent is to improve the educational climate for all concerned and is not to render the teacher the scapegoat for the inherent inadequacies of the present educational system; and

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers continue working through political action and the collective bargaining process to bring about those conditions under which teachers can effectively and successfully realize those goals to which the teacher, the student and the communi­ty are mutually devoted; and

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers and the state federation of teachers will oppose any system of teacher accountability that does not first hold the individual school boards and administration accountable for creating a situation that makes learning possible; adequate supplies, texts and supplementary materials; class size reasonable to the subject matter and abilities of the students; training and support of each faculty member who asks for or needs help.
