AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the United Nations (UN) proclaimed 1975 International Women's Year (IWY) to promote equality of men and women in all aspects of life--political, economic, social and cultural; and

WHEREAS, the most important events of IWY were the World Conference of Mexico City and the adoption of the World Plan of Action; and

WHEREAS, the UN to assure the implementation of the World Plan of Action adopted the UN Decade for Women (1975-1985); and

WHEREAS, the mid-decade conference in Copenhagen (1980) reviewed the progress achieved; and

WHEREAS, the main task of the end-of-the-decade conference at Nairobi, Kenya (1985) will be to review and evaluate the achievements made toward the goal of equality of men and women; and

WHEREAS, equality of men and women, in fact, has as yet not been achieved anywhere:

RESOLVED, that the AFT urge the Department of State to include non-governmental experts, in particular in education and employment, to participate in the preparation of position papers and draft resolutions the U.S. hopes to see adopted at Nairobi; and

RESOLVED, that the official delegation of the U.S. include representatives of important non-governmental organizations, among them representatives of the AFT and the Coalition of Labor Union Women (CLUW).
