AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the 150th anniversary of the first Women's Rights Conference ever held in the United States of America will be observed in 1998; and

WHEREAS, this event, held at Seneca Falls, New York in July 1848 was at a place where "the modest buildings in Seneca Falls are as much a part of the soul of our democracy as those revered halls in which white, propertied men granted themselves freedom, liberty, and democracy" (Alan Alda, 1982); and

WHEREAS, this significant anniversary should be made known to and celebrated by Americans everywhere; and

WHEREAS, the struggle of foreparents for equality of voting rights under the law regardless of sex inspires us today to continue our contemporary struggle to achieve equality of full rights under the law regardless of sex:

RESOLVED, that the AFT observe the 150th anniversary of the first Women’s Rights Conference; and

RESOLVED, that in tandem with celebrating this anniversary, the American Federation of Teachers continue to support the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment.
