Donate water filters for families in Puerto Rico in need of safe water.

American Federation of Teachers
Hispanic Federation
Operation Blessings
Searfarers International Union logo
Tote Maritime
Acción Puerto Rico
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Thanks to your generosity, you helped Operation Agua bring more than 100,000 Kohler water filters to the people of Puerto Rico so could have reliable sources of safe drinking water. Even now—more than a year and half after Hurricane Maria devastated the island and its infrastructure—families, schools and communities still rely on these filters.

To make sure their filtration systems continue to function properly, we are asking for your help once again.

Will you help us raise $75,000 to purchase more than 9,000 replacement ceramic filters and distribute them free of charge to our fellow Americans in Puerto Rico? The replacement filters will ensure they can continue to have access to reliable and safe water for drinking, cooking, bathing and doing their laundry.

We get emails from people who still rely on the filters for safe water and use them constantly. They call the filters a lifeline and a godsend because the cost of bottled water is very high and the public water supply is not fully functional in many communities. Plus, the filters protect the environment by limiting the use of plastic, disposable water bottles.

Let’s show our fellow citizens in Puerto Rico that we continue to support them. A donation of just $8 helps a family keep their filtration system working properly, and $40 can ensure clean water for multiple families, several classrooms, a school or even multiple schools.

Please donate now!

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For donations larger than $10,000, stock donations and/or partnership opportunities, please contact us directly.


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If you prefer to mail a check, make it out to AFT Disaster Relief Fund and mail to: AFT Disaster Relief Fund; 555 New Jersey Avenue, NW; Washington DC 20001. Please note: Operation Agua on the memo line. Checks will be deposited electronically to your bank so you may see a debit on your account rather than a check deposited through your bank.

Thank you for your contribution to the AFT Disaster Relief Fund. Operation Agua filters serve a vital role in providing access to safe and reliable water to hundreds of thousands of people who continue to be affected by previous hurricanes and to be prepared in the event of future ones.

Thank you again for your generosity.
Operation Agua

This acknowledgement verifies your charitable contribution to the American Federation of Teachers Disaster Relief Fund (AFT DRF). The AFT DRF in return for this contribution provided no goods or services. Please print or save this message as documentation for income tax purposes as this contribution may be tax deductible to the extent permitted by law for those individuals who itemize their taxes. The AFT DRF is a 501(c)(3) organization.