AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, women members have always been active in the building of AFT and represent over 60 percent of the AFT's membership; and

WHEREAS, women, according to a recent AFT survey, also make up 60 percent of AFT's elected leadership across the country; and

WHEREAS, women's activity is necessary for the continued success of the AFT since the union needs its women members to work for the goals of trade unionism; and

WHEREAS, the AFT recognizes that women's participation in their unions helps achieve the goals of equity in the schools, hospitals and offices:

RESOLVED, that all AFT women members will be encouraged to be active in their locals and state federations by running for office, chairing committees and participating in other important union activities such as political action, lobbying and coalition building; and

RESOLVED, that women and men currently in leadership positions volunteer to act as mentors to those women who seek to develop their leadership skills.
