AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, much attention and legislative action has been focused on creating a "favorable business climate" in the United States; and

WHEREAS, a massive shift of the tax burden from corporations to individuals has occurred and continues to be promoted under the guise of creating a "favorable business climate;" and

WHEREAS, the combination of the shifting tax burden and massive unemployment has resulted in public resistance to expenditure of funds for public educa­tion and other essential governmental services in many parts of the United States; and

WHEREAS, the public sector fiscal crisis existing in many sections of the United States has created a crisis situation for public education in those areas; and

WHEREAS, improving the national economy depends on a healthy public education system at all levels to prepare new people for entry to an increasingly skilled workforce and to upgrade the skills and knowledge of the existing workforce; and

WHEREAS, the conclusions of recent investigations of our education system have pointed to the need for making support of public education in the United States a major national priority:

RESOLVED, that the AFT promote recognition of the fact that creating a "favorable educational climate" is an essential component of creating a favorable business climate; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT promote recognition of the fact that the federal government and the state governments have an essential and proper role in funding and regulating education. (Executive Council)
