AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the state of California is currently without a budget; and

WHEREAS, the State Senate has adopted a budget and State Assembly has refused to act as a result of the request of Governor Deukmejian; and

WHEREAS, the lack of a budget has already resulted in hardship for the unemployed and disabled and will shortly affect all state and local governmental agencies; and

WHEREAS, one major reason for the budget impasse is the refusal of the Governor to raise taxes necessary to provide the educational reform and finance for the schools, colleges and universities of California despite the evidence that Californians are prepared to pay higher taxes for better schools:

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers express opposition to the Governor's stance on tax increases for educational reform and urge him to reconsider that position; and

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers join in the California Federation of Teachers in supporting greater funding for the public schools, colleges and universities of California. (Executive Council)
