AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, Sen. Frank Lautenberg, a son of Jewish immigrants and a veteran of World War II, devoted his life to public service and helping better the lives of all Americans; and

WHEREAS, Sen. Lautenberg was elected to the U.S. Senate after a successful business career but never forgot his family's working-class union roots; and

WHEREAS, Sen. Lautenberg was a leader in helping make the United States a safe haven for people escaping religious persecution in other countries; and

WHEREAS, Sen. Lautenberg had a long, productive career in Congress with a proven record of being a friend to labor and public employees; and

WHEREAS, Sen. Lautenberg not only talked the talk about workers' rights and voice, but he walked the walk, literally, joining picket lines when nurses had exhausted all other avenues; and

WHEREAS, Sen. Lautenberg understood the need for safe communities, serving as an original sponsor of the assault weapons ban while vigorously supporting expanded background checks and writing the law prohibiting domestic violence perpetrators from owning guns; and

WHEREAS, Sen. Lautenberg was a stalwart supporter of public schools, institutions of higher education, and their educators and staff; and

WHEREAS, Sen. Lautenberg took the time to learn from urban educators about the need for resources, the damaging consequences for students of teacher layoffs, and the need for safe, new schools:

RESOLVED, that as the country enters a national debate on immigration reform, the American Federation of Teachers honors Sen. Frank Lautenberg for helping make the promise of this country available to those who have suffered from religious persecution; and

RESOLVED, that we honor Sen. Lautenberg's legacy as a fierce advocate for core democratic values and his work to make America a better, safer and healthier nation.
