AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, our society is becoming increasingly more complex and technological, thereby accentuating the need to expand the availability of educational opportunities for all of our citizens, especially our youth; and

WHEREAS, it is recognized by the most enlightened political, financial, industrial, and educational leaders in our country that the historically black colleges and universities have played a critical role in the shaping and reshaping of our society, especially in the education of black youth; and

WHEREAS, the black institutions of higher education meet special needs and provide special services that are compatible with, and even essential to our national interests and the achievement of our national goals; and

WHEREAS, these historically black colleges and universities have produced and continue to produce outstanding graduates, many of whom have made significant contributions, nationally and internationally:

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers strongly endorses federal initiatives which are being taken to support and strengthen historically black colleges and universities, most particularly legislation and programs which provide funds for these institutions and their students, faculty and staff; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT urges the U.S. Senate to support the Education Amendments of 1980 (H.R. 5192), with special emphasis on Title Ill (S. 2130) as proposed by Sen. Donald Steward (D-Ala.).
