AFT Resolution


The struggle for labor law reform continues, as corporate and right-wing political interests increase their efforts to deny workers their rights, as promised under the National Labor Relations Act, and continue their disregard of the law.

We are concerned that workers are systematically denied the protections and privileges to which they are entitled under the Act. While in theory under the protection of the law, many workers face constant harassment and intimidation from their employers and suffer economic hardship through illegal firings. Delays in holding elections are common as employers manipulate the law and employ tactics which prevent workers from choosing union representation. Under current labor law, an employer may file a petition for decertification of a union, and a vote will be held within twenty-five (25) days. An election for union representation, however, is usually postponed for months and sometimes years, through employers stalling tactics. Many other workers, notably state and local government workers, are completely denied any of the protections of the Act, and are treated as second-class citizens. We must continue to press for full coverage of all workers under the National Labor Relations Act, and close the loopholes which allow employers to victimize their workers without fear of sanction.

The recent campaign for labor law reform was hard fought, and we appreciate the support organized labor received from civil rights, consumer, church, and women's organizations. Future efforts will be equally difficult, since business interests threatened by reform are de­termined to prevent its adoption. We again welcome the support of all organizations concerned with insuring social justice and democratic ideals.

We consider the enactment of labor law reform to be one of our most urgent legislative goals, and we will continue to pledge to direct our resources towards the development and adoption of a fair and just labor policy for all workers.
