AFT Resolution


The Adolph Coors Company, brewers of Coors beer, has waged a bitter anti-union and anti-worker battle for over 20 years.

Since April 12, 1977, a nationwide consumer boycott of Coors beer has been in effect. The boycott was called by Directly Affiliated Union Local 366, which represents 1,500 workers at Coors.

In negotiations with that union, Coors made a mockery of the collective bargaining process, and of the rights of its employees. Coors demanded a contractual right to submit employees to lie detectors tests and body searches. The company also demanded elimination of shift differential pay, and elimination of seniority rights as a factor in shift assignments, job bidding, and layoffs.

Because of that action, and also because the company has continually discriminated against women, blacks, and Mexican-Americans in its hiring and per­sonnel policies, AFT supports the boycott of Adolph Coors Company products. (Executive Council)
