AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the California Master Plan for Higher Education and California's institutions of public higher education at one time established a model for the nation; and

WHEREAS, funding for higher education in California has deteriorated steadily under the Reagan and Brown administrations; and

WHEREAS, California's university faculty have lost more than 25 percent in real income during the past decade; and

WHEREAS, Proposition 13 resulted in a freeze of state employee pay and threats of massive layoffs in Califor­nia's higher education systems; and

WHEREAS, California's Governor Brown has jumped on the Proposition 13 bandwagon by proposing layoffs and pay levels which could only further erode academic quality in California's public universities; and

WHEREAS, Governor Brown is threatening to veto budget provisions funding salary increases, positions and programs in California's public universities and colleges; and

WHEREAS, the AFT is dedicated to excellence throughout higher education; and

WHEREAS, this Convention is being held in San Francisco, California:

RESOLVED, that the AFT urge the California Legislature to provide full budget support to maintain excellence in its public institutions of higher education, including a fair salary increase for state university employees and be prepared to defend academic excellence by overriding any prospective gubernatorial vetoes of California's higher education budgets; and

RESOLVED, that AFT President Shanker make known to Governor Brown that the teachers of this nation stand strongly behind their brothers and sisters in California's universities and colleges. (Executive Council)
