The School Improvement Process

Improving a school is a process requiring commitment and hard work from many people. The following graphic shows how the steps of the school improvement process fit together. These steps are not necessarily sequential, and different locals and districts may start the process in different places. Teams will proceed through these steps at varying paces, and it is important that each step be considered carefully.

Select a step for more information:

Improvement Process WheelCreate or Update a School Improvement Plan Analyze Data Implement Plan Evaluate Progress Create Partnership Form Effective Team


Real Support for Really Struggling Schools
This issue of American Educator offers advice and real assistance for schools designated as low performers. AFT (Spring 2007).

Indicators of Low-Performing Schools
This list of indicators is intended to help schools and districts identify why some schools are low performing. AFT.

Suggested Checklist for Ensuring a Fair and Effective School Improvement Process
This checklist summarizes the elements of the school improvement process and a set of criteria to ensure that the process is both fair and effective. AFT.

Correlates of Effective Schools
This document lays out the indicators of high performing schools. Association for Effective Schools, Inc.

Beyond Islands of Excellence: What Districts Can Do To Improve Instruction and Achievement in All Schools
This report outlines lessons from five high-poverty districts that have consistently increased student achievement. It contains useful information on how schools and districts can improve the entire system. Learning First Alliance (2003).