Writing Websites

A simple online search on writing will uncover a mountain of resources of all kinds for the educator, everything from basic definitions to rubrics to detailed lesson plans. Some samples of resources are provided below.

Google Educator
Website for educators, to assist in teaching students to search, including basic, intermediate and advanced lessons.

Grammar, Usage, and Style
A good listing of websites on grammar, usage, and style—for staff to use.

Lee’s Summit
A potpourri of excellent resources that cover the various aspects of writing, including punctuation, 6 traits, student and teacher resources and much more.

Nellie’s English Projects
Website designed to walk students through a process of identifying and developing a topic for a paper; very handy for grades 7-12, especially if they are challenged in narrowing down their topic and if they have access to the Internet to do research on their topic.

Read Write Think
Student materials index, providing games and lessons to help with building writing skills.

Business Insights
List of writing resources ranging from grammer to inspiration help.

Web English Teacher
A strong, multi-faceted writing resource website that provides links to graphic organizer downloads, sample writing projects already found to be of interest to students, and other resources for teaching/learning such as checklists for students to help them with editing and peer editing.

Web Search 101: The Basics
Resource for staff to help students conduct web searches.

Writing Fix
Complimentary lessons, ideas and resources for classrooms in support of the 6 traits for students.

Writing Resources
A good writing resources site for definitions of the types of writing plus writing samples, checklists, word charts and other tools. It includes the cause/effect essay, comparison/contrast, definition and process analysis essays as well as the more familiar four types.