AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, labor's image among the general public is not favorable and has not been favorable for some time past; and

WHEREAS, many of our own members do not have a sufficient grasp of the history of labor or its accomplishments which benefit not only union members, but also the public generally; and

WHEREAS, in order to improve the understanding of labor's role in American society it is, first, essential to improve the awareness and consciousness among our own members of labor's significant role in the history and development of the nation; and

WHEREAS, the rest of the labor movement looks to the nation's teachers to play this most important educational role in accurately presenting labor's history and current activities, many of which extend beyond bread and butter issues which benefit only its own members:

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers make the teaching of the history of labor and the structure and endeavors of the labor movement a priority item now and in the calculable future, and

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers inform locals and state federations of the availability of materials to be incorporated into the curriculum of most, if not all, schools; and

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers encourage locals and state federations to undertake oral and written history programs of their own past so that members can ultimately have access to the record of where they came from and how they got to where they currently are. (Executive Council)
