AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, for the last decade and a half, the American Federation of Teachers has stood steadfastly against the military rule of General Augusto Pinochet in Chile. The AFT has supported all efforts to put an end to this dictatorship and to promote efforts to return Chile to a democratic government. Our union's work on behalf of Chilean democracy was greatly aided by financial and other support from AIFLD and the Na­tional Endowment for Democracy; and

WHEREAS, since 1985, the AFT, in cooperation with the International Federation of Free Teachers' Unions, has worked closely with the Colegio de Profesores, the only national teacher organization in Chile, which regained its independence after more than a decade of domination by Pinochet's political forces. In 1985 and in two subsequent regional elections, Chilean teachers have chosen a democratic leadership against both right-wing and left-wing extremes; and

WHEREAS, the AFT and the IFFTU, through assistance programs and solidarity campaigns, have helped the Colegio de Profesores to become an independent teacher organization, to resist the harassment and firings of pro-democratic teachers, and, now, to support the Colegio's participation in the "Campaign for Free Elections" and the "Comando Nacional de Profesores por el No"--part of the nationwide effort to defeat General Pinochet in a plebiscite election for the presidency to be held this fall; and

WHEREAS, the plebiscite, in which Chilean voters have the possibility to vote yes or no for the governing junta's candidate for president, most likely General Pinochet, will be an important challenge to the struggle for democracy in Chile. If Pinochet wins, he will have another unchallenged eight-year term, guaran­teeing continued dictatorial rule. If the "No" vote succeeds, the Constitution--written by the governing junta itself--calls for open and free elections for presi­dent. The Vote No Campaign for the plebiscite will have many obstacles. The government has made it difficult to register voters who are against Pinochet, and General Pinochet himself has already tried to buy voters off with welfare and public subsidies, while at the same time threatening that violence will return to Chile if he loses; and

WHEREAS, Chilean teachers and other groups, such as the Union of Doctors and Nurses, can play a crucial role in the campaign for the "No" vote. They now have the experience of victorious campaigns within their own union, which has created a pool of educated activists throughout the country with organizational experience; and

WHEREAS, the Comando de Profesores por el No has asked the IFFTU and the AFT to provide international solidarity for its efforts, by sending delegations to Chile both during and after the plebiscite campaign to ensure free and fair electoral procedures. It has also requested financial assistance:

RESOLVED, that the AFT send delegations to Chile both during and after the plebiscite campaign to monitor elections; and

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers renew its commitment to support the Colegio de Profesores in its efforts to establish an independent teacher organization in Chile with rights to collective bargaining and to strike and to support the Comando de Profesores por el No and its participation in the national Campaign for the No Vote in the plebiscite of General Augusto Pinochet. The AFT, convened in its biennial convention, sends its greetings and solidarity to the Colegio de Profesores and its courageous leader, Osvaldo Verdugo. And the AFT calls on its local affiliates to send financial, political, and moral support to the Colegio de Profesores and the Comando de Profesores por el No.
