AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, high-quality early learning programs help young children achieve school readiness, help ensure that disadvantaged children are not left behind and aid in reducing the achievement gap; and

WHEREAS, society benefits from a well-educated citizenry, and research demonstrates that children who participate in high-quality early education programs have better higher-order thinking and attention skills as well as better executive functions, such as self-control, decision-making skill and the ability to connect social, emotional and cognitive processes; and

WHEREAS, studies indicate that children exposed to high-quality early education programs have better oral literacy; have better reading, writing and math abilities; require fewer remedial services and experience less grade retention; and have a higher likelihood of economic productivity and social stability in adulthood; and

WHEREAS, child care services are not affordable for most working families throughout the country, and research indicates that a family earning $30,000 per year may pay more than a quarter of its gross income for child care for a single child; and

WHEREAS, low-income working parents pay higher fees and must make difficult choices about child care services that could put their children at risk or lead them to forgo employment for public assistance:

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers will advocate for increased federal funding and state dollars for child care, and will seek to raise the income eligibility levels so that more families can afford child care; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT will initiate and support policies advocating for an appropriately compensated child care provider workforce with measures that seek to ensure job retention and economic stability; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT will seek new legislation and additional funding streams to make child care services affordable for working families and develop strategies for expanding the accessibility of services across the country; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT will urge its locals to work with their city and state municipalities to ensure that this workforce receives adequate compensations as well as comprehensive professional development, program mentoring and early childhood education for child care practitioners to ensure a sustainable workforce.
