AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, there is no uniform standard in most states for an early child care education curriculum that promotes literacy, early learning and school readiness; and

WHEREAS, early child care practitioners may not have access to training beyond the state-mandated training for licensing purposes with a concentrated focus on literacy and child development; and

WHEREAS, early child care practitioners are often disadvantaged when seeking affordable and accessible professional development classes offered during nonbusiness hours; and

WHEREAS, there is no professional development training and coaching model to support the workforce in introducing an early literacy curriculum into multi-age child care settings:

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers will support its locals in the development of common early learning standards in order to promote a baseline standard for early learning, literacy and school preparedness; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT will urge its locals to engage their city and state municipalities to support the training, recruitment and retention of a qualified early child care workforce; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT will develop and promote a comprehensive professional development program that provides differentiated, customized skill development and services to early child care practitioners in order to build the strong foundation that children need for successful transitions to kindergarten and future academic achievement.

