AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, many AFT affiliates have fought long and hard to obtain collective bargaining rights for public employees; and

WHEREAS, public employees who have obtained such rights have successfully concluded collective bargaining agreements that improve the rights, benefits and wages of their members; and

WHEREAS, this very success at the bargaining table has led some state legislators to retaliate against public employees by reducing their collective bargaining rights and making it more difficult for public employees to achieve fair collective bargaining agreements; and

WHEREAS, persistent state budget deficits are being cited by some state legislators as a rationale to reduce existing collective bargaining rights of public sector employees; and

WHEREAS, the growing disparity between the rich and the poor in this country requires all segments of the labor movement to remain strong and vibrant in order to protect the standard of living of working families; and

WHEREAS, there are still 23 states that do not provide all public employees the right to collective bargaining:

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers resist attempts by state legislatures to diminish collective bargaining rights for public employees and assist its affiliates in fighting such efforts; and

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers support federal legislation to provide for public employees’ full collective bargaining.
