AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, contract negotiations between the Kansas City Federation of Teachers & School Related Personnel and the Kansas City School Board have not yet reached a settlement on a new teacher contract; and

WHEREAS, the Kansas City School Board declared on June 25, 2008, that it has terminated the previous collective bargaining agreement for teachers; and

WHEREAS, the Kansas City School Board’s chief negotiator has threatened to impose a new teacher contract if the district declares impasse:

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers calls upon the Kansas City School Board to reinstate the previous teacher contract in full until a new collectively bargained agreement is reached; and

RESOLVED, that the Kansas City School Board return to a position of good faith bargaining that has been a hallmark of collective bargaining in the district for the past 40 years; and

RESOLVED, that the Kansas City School Board refrain from imposing any type of teacher contract that is outside of the collective bargaining process; and

RESOLVED, that the 1.4 million members of the American Federation of Teachers stand in solidarity with the men and women of the Kansas City Federation of Teachers & School Related Personnel in their struggle to win a fair and just contract.
