AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, HIV/AIDS is a communicable disease affecting men, women and children in the U.S. and throughout the world; and

WHEREAS, silence, fear and discrimination have surrounded this deadly disease, which is transmitted through semen, blood and other bodily fluids; and

WHEREAS, educational efforts to prevent the spread of HIV infection have been helpful but limited in scope; and

WHEREAS, the AFT is on record in support of comprehensive sex education programs that not only teach abstinence, but also provide medically accurate information on pregnancy prevention and the transmission and prevention of sexually transmitted infections including HIV/AIDS:

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers fight discrimination against persons due to their HIV/AIDS status and continue work to replace silence and fear with education; and

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers urge comprehensive, age-appropriate sex education programs in all public schools that include information on reducing the risk of HIV infection; and

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers consider providing materials and workshops on how to provide age-appropriate, medically accurate, comprehensive sex education programs in schools, how to provide for adequate training for teachers, and how to access appropriate resources to help with this endeavor.
