AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the promotion and protection of human rights has been a central plank of AFT policy for generations; and

WHEREAS, the basic civil and human rights of workers are under continuous attack as Darwinian globalization accelerates; and

WHEREAS, unchecked, unregulated and unfair trade legislation has encouraged an unethical world marketplace where human dignity is often sacrificed to corporate profit; and

WHEREAS, the rights of workers to form free trade unions are under vicious and sustained attack in China, Russia, Iraq, Vietnam, Colombia and in many countries throughout the world; and

WHEREAS, free trade unions are the only proven mechanism to give workers a voice for fair salaries, decent health coverage and safe working environments; and

WHEREAS, the right to form and join unions is under attack in the United States in many of our states; and

WHEREAS, the rights for immigrants to join and form unions has been threatened by reactionary legislation:

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers continue to maintain and strengthen its historic commitment and support for human rights for all peoples in all cultures and countries; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT reaffirm its longstanding commitment to achieve genuine U.S. labor law reform through legislation on the state and federal level and continue its opposition to so-called "right-to-work laws" that are designed to prevent workers from exercising civil and human rights granted by the U.S. Constitution; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT continue to resist all efforts to erode the rights of immigrants to form and join free trade unions; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT continue its campaign to amend all so-called "free" trade legislation so as to protect the rights of workers in all countries to form unions and to work in safe and clean environments where child labor is prohibited; and


RESOLVED, that the AFT and its partner, the AFL-CIO, urge  the Congress to oppose any and all "free" trade legislation that does not contain provisions to protect human rights, oppose child labor and guarantee the right to form and  join free trade unions where the leaders are elected by the workers in democratic election processes overseen by respected neutral international observers.



