AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the use of computer technology is rapidly increasing in all our workplaces; and

WHEREAS, training is needed to understand how to utilize and operate these new machines; and

WHEREAS, video display terminals (VDTs) are part of this new technology; and

WHEREAS, the health risks associated with VDTs are not yet known; and

WHEREAS, the use of these new machines may force the layoff of AFT members:

RESOLVED, that the AFT continues to monitor reports on the health effects of VDTs, keep members informed of the results, and support legislation to that end; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT urges locals to take the necessary steps to insure that employees receive computer training at the expense of the institution on paid work time or appropriately compensated for the time spent for such training; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT urges the locals to negotiate contract language protecting members from layoff due to new technology; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT and its locals monitor the effects of computer technology on the field of education; and

RESOLVED, that this resolution be forwarded to the AFL-CIO. (Executive Council)
