AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the reported incidents of child abuse and neglect have increased dramatically in recent years; and

WHEREAS, many of the conditions associated with the occurrence of child abuse and neglect have been exacerbated by the devastating social and economic policies of the Reagan administration; and

WHEREAS, the effects of child abuse and neglect often are first recognized in the schools, hospital emergency rooms, and other public agencies staffed by AFT members:

RESOLVED, that the AFT undertakes to assist state federations and locals to inform AFT members concerning their responsibilities and rights with respect to procedures for the detection, reporting, investigation, and prevention of child abuse and neglect; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT undertakes measures to assure that local school districts, hospitals, and government agencies provide their employees, who may come into contact with victims of child abuse and neglect, adequate training, resources, procedures, support services, and indemnification; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT works, as appropriate, with advocacy and professional groups, legislators, and government agencies to support the enactment and adequate funding of responsible programs for the prevention, detection and treatment of child abuse and neglect.
