AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the sole indisputable right conferred upon women in the United States Constitution is suffrage; and

WHEREAS, every other right has been subject to the changing philosophies of federal, state, and local executive, legislative and judicial branches of government; and

WHEREAS, women have met all responsibilities of citizenship and fulfilled their essential role in society; and

WHEREAS, the adoption of the Equal Rights Amendment would end an era of injustice, not only toward women in general, but also toward men as well, as the denial of equality for women placed men in general in the disgraceful position of accepting unjust advantages in social and economic life; and

WHEREAS, the adoption of the Equal Rights Amendment is a matter of simple justice and democratic advance in social and economic matters:

RESOLVED, that this convention declares its endorsement of the Equal Rights Amendment, calls upon all federal and state legislators to speak and vote for its adoption, and calls upon all members to further this great cause in every way.
