AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the federal funding of higher education programs and of financial assistance to college students has been substantially reduced during the Reagan administration; and

WHEREAS, both the excellence of the nation's colleges and universities and the access of students to such institutions are jeopardized by continued under funding; and

WHEREAS, the national mandate for educational reform at all levels demands the active participation of a viable academic community; and

WHEREAS, Pell Grants are the largest federal program for helping economically disadvantaged students attend college; and

WHEREAS, due to the lack of funding, the maximum award available to a Pell Grant recipient (currently $1,900) has failed to keep up with increases in the costs of attending college; and

WHEREAS, the half-cost provision, which restricts the grant to no more than one-half of college expenses, discriminates against needy students attending lower cost, public institutions:

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers supports as a high priority in its legislative program the full funding of federal higher education programs and financial assistance to college students; and

RESOLVED, the American Federation of Teachers urges Congress, as it moves to reauthorize the Higher Education Act, t

  • Establish Pell Grants as an   entitlement program which guarantees all eligible students the full amount of funds for which they qualify.
  • Eliminate the half-cost provision which often discriminates against the most needy recipients.

Increase the maximum award level, and include in the law a formula for periodically adjusting the maximum award level, to reflect increases in the costs of higher education.
