AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, there are increasing technological changes occurring in the workplace; and

WHEREAS, work conditions for video display terminal personnel is a major concern; and

WHEREAS, there have been increased and alarming reports of the inadequate and unsafe work conditions where video display terminals are operational and the adverse impact on the operators of such equipment; and

WHEREAS, legislation regarding the operation of video display terminals in many states is pending but at this juncture no legal mandate nor specific guidelines for a safe work environment exists:

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers, AFL-CIO, joins with other labor organizations to support legislation safeguarding the work environment of video display terminal operators; and

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers, through its publications, informs its members of any state legislation and/or state or local policy which adequately protects the video display terminal operators; and

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers, through its Research Department, supports a comprehensive study on video display terminals.
