AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the American Federation of Teachers and the AFL-CIO have strongly supported human rights in South Africa; and

WHEREAS, the 1983 Convention of the American Federation of Teachers took a strong position reaffirming our opposition to apartheid, and our continued support of the AFL-CIO fund for black South African unions and for other actions which will advance the interests of black workers in that country; and

WHEREAS, the Reagan administration's policies in regard to human rights in South Africa have been totally ineffective:

RESOLVED, that the AFT join with the AFL-CIO in support of the Gray-Solarz bill which:

  • prohibits any U.S. person from making any new investments in South Africa;
  • prohibits any U.S. financial and lending institution from extending any new loans to the South African government or to South African corporations or other entities owned by the South African government;
  • requires any U.S. person who conducts business or controls enterprises in South Africa to comply with fair employment principles, including the right of workers to form labor unions and to bargain collectively with their employers, as well as the range of other benefits available to workers in the free world, as specified in the Sullivan Code; and
  • prohibits the importation of South African gold coins into the United States; and

RESOLVED, that we call upon our locals to urge their congressional representatives to support this legislation; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT supports full citizenship rights of all blacks living in South Africa including the right to vote.
