AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, as a result of 1998 AFL-CIO convention resolution Number 15, seeking to ensure worker rights and a better life for all working families, and the central labor council of the city of New York established a Commission for the Dignity of Immigrants; and

WHEREAS, PSC-CUNY has been in the forefront of the support of immigrant rights in the city and state of New York; and

WHEREAS, as a member of the central labor council of the city of New York, it supports Section 245(I) of the Legal Immigrant and Family Equity Act (LIFE), which permits many immigrants to remain in the United States and maintain their family structure while applying for legal status; and

WHEREAS, the concerns of the council and PSC-CUNY have grown to encompass issues of amnesty, immigration reform, exploitation, job security, safety and health, wages, organizing, voter registration, education, civil rights and equal protection under the law; and

WHEREAS, immigrant rights have come under increasing pressure since September 11th, as the federal government has passed legislation limiting the First, Fourth and Sixth Amendment rights of immigrants, and academic institutions have limited access to certain courses deemed "sensitive" for immigrant students, changed tuition policies affecting immigrants, and breeched the civil rights of some immigrant faculty, students and staff:


RESOLVED, that the AFT affirm its commitment and resolve to work, along with the AFL-CIO, for the dignity, rights and education of all immigrant workers and their families in the United States of America.
