AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the improvement of standards for the delivery of educational services has resulted in a recognition of a need for programs of increased accountability, qualifications, and demonstrated competency of instructional personnel in the public schools; and

WHEREAS, the AFT has been a strong proponent of education reform measures directed toward upgrading the quality of public education, raising standards for teacher certification, strengthening curriculum, enforcing strict standards of conduct and achievement among students, and increased responsibility and accountability by instructional personnel for the determination of local educational policies and practices; and

WHEREAS, paraprofessional classroom assistants are an integral and necessary part of the instructional life of the public schools and must be recognized as integral and permanent partners in the quest for educational excellence and reform:

RESOLVED, that AFT efforts to reform and upgrade educational standards and practices recognize the important contributions and role of paraprofessional classroom assistants in the instructional life of the public schools; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT support education reform efforts that assure a permanent role in the public schools for paraprofessional classroom assistants through strengthened and more stable funding; improved opportunities for career development and advancement; and pay standards commensurate with responsibilities, experience, and training; and

RESOLVED, that in order to promote and recognize the significant role performed by classroom assistants, assure a continuing role for such personnel in the instructional life of the public schools, upgrade career opportunities and employment security for classroom assistants, and improve the quality of education in the public schools, the AFT endorse programs of mandatory certification of paraprofessional classroom assistants as an important means for assuring the quality and competency of such personnel and thereby improving public awareness, confidence, and recognition of the important role of paraprofessional classroom assistants in the instructional life and educational outcomes of the public schools. Any system of certification of paraprofessional classroom assistants must:

  • Be a state prerogative and developed at the state level, with the participation of working classroom assistants.
  • Encompass all school districts within the state.
  • Provide specific competency, education, inservice training, and experience standards, as well as differentiated levels of responsibility and compensation.
  • Provide for high school diploma or GED equivalency for new applicants. Must also provide opportunities and funding for the training and continuing education of classroom assistants for the purpose of meeting certification requirements and providing upward mobility via career ladder programs.
  • "Hold harmless" currently employed paraprofessional classroom assistants.

RESOLVED, that the AFT strongly reaffirm its support of collective bargaining as the most effective and democratic means for achieving the workplace aspirations of paraprofessional classroom assistants and that efforts to achieve certification not be viewed as a substitute for collective bargaining but as a floor below which standards for competency, performance, salaries, and funding not be permitted to fall.
