AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, federal law at one time gave classified public school employees the right to receive unemployment compensation during the summer months in those states with enabling legislation; and

WHEREAS, the right was taken away from only classified public school employees with passage of the 1983 Social Security amendments; and

WHEREAS, the exclusion of school employees from that provision is arbitrary as other seasonal employees, i.e., construction workers and agricultural workers, are not excluded; and

WHEREAS, classified school employees are the lowest paid workers in a school system and don't usually earn enough to enable them to save money to tide them over through the summer months; and

WHEREAS, classified school employees often work in areas where there are not many other job possibilities in the summer months; and

WHEREAS, it is unfair to assume that classified school employees have the same contractual guarantees, such as permanent status, as certificated school employees:

RESOLVED, that the AFT support the passage of federal legislation that will give classified public school employees the right to receive unemployment compensation; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT will work with its state federations to pursue the passage of enabling state legislation.
