AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, teachers and others employed in the public sector are often denied the right to be represented and/or counseled by their bargaining agent at meetings, interviews, conferences called by a supervisor or other employer/management personnel or groups; and

WHEREAS, also, the bargaining agent is thus denied the right to represent and/or counsel a member in such instances; and

WHEREAS, even those arrested by law enforcement agencies have the right to immediate counsel and representation upon request; and

WHEREAS, this inequity promotes employer coercion and is demeaning to a professional and a citizen in a democratic society:

RESOLVED, that the AFT shall work for the passage of federal and state legislation that shall guarantee the right of any member of a bargaining agent (local) to be immediately represented and/or counseled by a representative of the local bargaining agent at any meeting, interview, conference between the member and any employer or employer representative should the member so request.
