AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, part-time faculty and non-teaching professionals are among the least protected employees in higher education but the most subject to unprofessional conditions of employment, including arbitrary actions in hiring, reappointment and dismissal; and

WHEREAS, simple justice requires that part-time faculty and non-teaching professionals

  • be treated as the professionals they are
  • not be subject to arbitrary action in hiring, reappointment and dismissal
  • have made explicit in advance the standards on the basis of which performance evaluation is to be made
  • and be given, in cases of dismissal or non-reappointment, an explicit statement of the basis on which such decision has been reached in relation to preexisting standards:

RESOLVED, that AFT assist state and local federations in endeavors wherever circumstances permit to secure collective bargaining rights and professional conditions of employment for part-time faculty and non-teaching professionals in higher education; and

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers urge all affiliated locals to undertake such organization campaigns of part-time and adjunct faculty and non-teaching professionals and other part-time employees and that the AFT provide as much assistance to such campaigns as it can; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT urge the AFL-CIO to initiate a nationwide campaign to organize all part-time workers.
