AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, incidents of violence, lawlessness and destruction in Los Angeles and other American cities demonstrate an unprecedented level of frustration and despair among urban poor; and

WHEREAS, this frustration and anger are symptomatic of the problems caused by Reagan/Bush policies of neglect, which favor the wealthy at the expense of disadvantaged Americans: and

WHEREAS, the policies of the Reagan and Bush administrations have resulted in tremendous reductions in federal aid and, at the same time, shifted responsibility for many programs to already overburdened state and local governments; and

WHEREAS, these policies of neglect have produced a loss of jobs, an ever-widening gap between poor and rich Americans and a decreased investment in education, health and training programs in urban areas; and

WHEREAS, the federal government should assume a leadership role to help revitalize American cities:

RESOLVED, that the AFT call on Congress and the president to develop and implement an urban agenda that will:

  • reverse a policy of reducing aid while increasing mandates on state and local governments; and
  • stimulate employment opportunities in America's cities; and
  • support the AFT's Children in Crisis program, which calls for increased funding for critical federal education and health programs, including:
  • Head Start, Chapter 1, Medicaid, child and prenatal care and school-site health clinics. Increasing the scope of such programs will provide direct assistance to children in urban areas; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT enlist the support of other groups and coalitions to ensure that the needs of children living in American cities are met.
