AFT Resolution


 WHEREAS, 15 million women have no health insurance and two-thirds of all part-time workers are women with limited or non-existent health care benefits; and

WHEREAS, women have been neglected in large-scale medical research on heart disease, drug effectiveness, cancer, AIDS and other health problems which leave physicians unable to determine whether the results from studies performed on men only can be extrapolated to female patients; and

WHEREAS, women's unique biological differences and health problems have been largely ignored in pharmacologic and medical research; there are diseases unique to, more prevalent among or more serious in women; and for some diseases or conditions, the interventions required to treat women are different; and

WHEREAS, drugs, such as RU486, which show great promise in the treatment of breast cancer, brain tumors and other diseases, have been banned for importation; and

WHEREAS, women face unemployment or absence from work, loss of income, medical expenses and family stress due to serious illness; and

WHEREAS, women of color carry a disproportionate disease burden, have a shorter life expectancy, experience higher maternal and infant mortality, and experience a higher incidence of chronic diseases, such as hypertension, diabetes, heart disease and certain types of cancer:

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers continue to work for improved health insurance coverage for union members and their families; and

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers call for the inclusion of women in research and clinical trials, and call for an end to the import ban on drugs that could benefit millions of persons; and

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers support the passage of legislation, programs and policies aimed at the prevention and cure of health problems that have a heavy impact upon women; and

RESOLVED, that attention and analysis in medical research be given to women of color and that equity and the well-being of all women be a primary goal of health care reform; and

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers support the principles and efforts of the Campaign for Women's Health and that the American Federation of Teachers assist the AFLCIO in developing a program to make members more aware of women's health issues.
