AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the members of Illini Bluffs Federation of Teachers, Local 3810, were engaged in a lawful strike against their employing district; and

WHEREAS, picket lines were lawfully present and operating during business hours on all days of the action, August 22 through August 31, 1990; and

WHEREAS, union picket lines were honored by numerous delivery and service companies in excess of fifty times; and

WHEREAS, Roadway Package System, a non-union delivery company, forced its way across the IBFT picket lines on two separate instances after repeated efforts by the members to discourage such action:

RESOLVED, that the AFT go on record condemning the anti-union actions of Roadway Package System (RPS); and

RESOLVED, that the AFT notify all of its member locals to encourage an active boycott of RPS by both the locals and their individual members; and

RESOLVED, that the executive council, on behalf of the membership of the AFT, submit similar resolutions to the next annual convention of the AFL-CIO; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT executive council notify Roadway Package System of all actions resulting from this resolution.
