AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the Haitian people in a free, fair and open election elected Jean-Bertrand Aristide president; and

WHEREAS, the Haitian people's choice of democracy over dictatorship has been nullified by a military junta that forcibly seized the powers of the presidency causing President Aristide to flee the country; and

WHEREAS, Haiti's military junta imposes its will on the Haitian people through terror and violence; and

WHEREAS, there are mounting reports that trade union leaders are being subjected to all manner of intimidation, including murder; and

WHEREAS, the military junta has resisted all attempts to reinstate Haiti's democratic government through peaceful means; and

WHEREAS, the Haitian people are being subjected to an interpretation and application of the United States Refugee Act which is different from that applied to other refugees; and

WHEREAS, many politically active Haitians are being persecuted by the military and are forced to flee Haiti for their lives; and

WHEREAS, these politically oppressed Haitians are seeking asylum in the United States by making the perilous 600-mile journey to Guantanamo in unsafe boats; and

WHEREAS, this discriminatory interpretation of the Refugee Act has resulted in the forced repatriation of Haitian refugees fleeing an oppressive and murderous military dictatorship:

RESOLVED, that the AFT strongly condemn the military junta seizure of power and disregard of the civil and human rights of the Haitian people; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT support the administration's refusal to recognize the military junta and the suspension of economic assistance to Haiti until the democratically elected government is restored; and

RESOLVED, the AFT call upon the Bush administration t (1) stop its policy of forced repatriation of the Haitian refugees, (2) interpret "refugee" in accordance with the United Nation's definition of "refugee" and (3) extend to the Haitian refugees the same protection afforded other refugees; and

RESOLVED, that this convention call upon all members of Congress to support H.R. 3844 and its companion bill, to require a six-month halt to repatriations and mandate a study of conditions faced by returnees; and

RESOLVED, that this convention call upon all affiliates, members and friends to urge their respective members of Congress to support this legislation; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT support efforts to peacefully restore the democratic government in Haiti.
