AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the majority of the membership of the American Federation of Teachers is female, and surveys indicate that the majority of women, as well as an increasing number of men, have been victimized by sexual harassment at some time during their careers; and

WHEREAS, sexual harassment can have devastating psychological, physical and economic consequences for its victims; and

WHEREAS, the United States Supreme Court has held that unwelcome sexually directed behavioral the work place violates Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act; and

WHEREAS, many unions and employers have taken positive steps to prevent and stop sexual harassment through well-enforced contract language and policy statements and through education and training programs; and

WHEREAS, despite the positive steps taken by some employers and the fact that the courts have put employers on notice that they may be liable for the sexual harassment of their workers, the problem has not been eradicated. Many employees victimized by sexual harassment have no workplace procedures available to deal with the problem:

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers strengthen its commitment to fighting sexual harassment by:

  • distributing educational materials such as films, flyers and brochures to its locals to inform members of the nature of the problem and what to do if they become victims;
  • providing special training to its professional employees in the handling of sexual harassment cases;
  • making available sample anti-sexual harassment language for inclusion in collective bargaining agreements;
  • incorporating and highlighting the issue of sexual harassment on the agenda for study at the Union Leadership Institute;
  • supporting the filing of charges and lawsuits to secure relief for sexual harassment victims where appropriate; and

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers support legislative and regulatory changes to ensure that no one be denied unemployment compensation if sexual harassment were the cause of an individual resigning his/her position; and

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers assist the AFL-CIO in developing a similar program to combat sexual harassment.
