AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, 20 years after the passage of Title IX, which made sex discrimination illegal in federally funded educational programs, the achievement of sex and gender equitable education remains elusive; and

WHEREAS, the current educational reform movement cannot succeed if it continues to ignore half its constituents, as reported in the study by the American Association of University Women entitled "Shortchanging Girls, Shortchanging America"; and

WHEREAS, the AAUW report demonstrates that the gender gap on self-esteem of girls increases with age, affecting their career choices and future actions, and that family and school, not peers, have the greatest influences on self-esteem and aspirations; and

WHEREAS, this research shows that girls in American public schools are systematically steered away from the courses of study essential to the development of a technologically competent work force:

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers reaffirm its support of the provisions of Title IX throughout the public and private schools of this nation; and

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers distribute information on current research on gender inequities in classrooms to all its members and locals; and

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers, recognizing the chilling effects of ignoring female students in the classroom, provide information that will address the relationship between classroom teacher behavior and the loss of self-esteem and aspirations of girls and young women.
