AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, efforts to reform education have given paraprofessionals and school-related personnel an opportunity to create new roles for themselves in the schools that may require higher level and/or different types of skills; and

WHEREAS, success in these potential new roles will rely on:

  • the development of a research base that defines the important contributions of PSRPs in the schools, both in educational programs and in effective delivery of school services;
  • the development of standards for our professions;
  • professional growth/staff development programs to ensure that employees meet professional standards; and

WHEREAS, these new roles may also create opportunities for career advancement:

RESOLVED, that the AFT, in conjunction with local and state federations, develop a research base that provides examples of effective new roles for PSRPs in education and that this information be disseminated and all affiliates encouraged to explore potential new roles for all staff in reform efforts; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT work with local and state federations to push for the development of policies/programs that create standards for our professions; i.e., certification for paraprofessionals, apprenticeship programs, special licenses, etc.; and

RESOLVED, that AFT locals and state federations work with districts to create or expand existing staff development programs that will enable staff to meet standards and improve themselves and their professions as they take on new roles in the educational team; and

RESOLVED, that AFT locals and state federations work to enact legislation that creates professional standards programs and provides funding for training and career opportunities.
