AFT Resolution


Since May 17, 1992, the Pittsburgh Newspaper Unions Unity Council have stood firm in its resolve to obtain a collectively bargained agreement with the Pittsburgh Press Company, publisher of the Pittsburgh Press and distributor of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. At issue are the company'' proposals to cut employee medical benefits and to eliminate the jobs of 450 Teamster-represented drivers, 4,500 youth newspaper carriers and an unspecified number of employees in various bargaining units.


What began as an effort to win a fair contract, however, has now become a fight for the very survival of the council's member unions.

By refusing to bargain in good faith, by hiring scab "replacement workers" and retaining the services of thug "security police," the press Co. has demonstrated that it is more interested in busting its unions than negotiating with them; more interested in publishing union-free than in publishing under the terms of a contract that provides a decent standard of living to the men and women who have labored long and hard over the years to make the company profitable.

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers support our brothers and sisters of the Pittsburgh Newspaper Unions Unity Council in their struggle against the Pittsburgh Press Company; and

RESOLVED, that delegates to this convention demonstrate this support by recessing at 12:30 p.m. and marching to the headquarters of the Pittsburgh Press Company in order to hold a "stop the Press" rally. The purpose of this rally will be to protect the company's union-busting tactics and to urge the company to reach a fair settlement with its employee unions though the collective bargaining process.
