AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, there is a 15 percent cut to the Medicare home healthcare schedule to go into effect on Oct. 1, 2002; and


WHEREAS, this would dramatically reduce HHA's ability to deliver quality care, particularly since HHA has only begun to recover from the severe consequences of the interim payment system; and


WHEREAS, cuts in payments make it difficult to retain and recruit staff particularly during this time of extreme shortage of nurses and therapists and other health care professionals; and


WHEREAS, cuts would impede the ability to purchase or lease the necessary equipment to provide quality services to Medicare beneficiaries at home:


RESOLVED, that the AFT commit to eliminate implementation of the 15 percent cut to home health agencies; and


RESOLVED, that the AFT oppose any legislation that reduces the resources home health agencies need in order to provide quality health care in our communities without regard to special, economic and personal status.
